The Benefits of Silence

We live in a world of constant stimulation: radios, smart phones, computers, televisions, conversations. We need never be bored for a single second unless it’s a conscious choice. This is quite different from the world of previous centuries, when hands were constantly busy but minds were free to think and dream.I spend two hours or more every day in my car, and I recently decided to try an experiment. I turned off my radio, driving in silence. The results were surprising. A continual flow of!The-Benefits-of-Silence/c1zo4/577bd5de0cf2e63d265db958

Fresh Eyes

Creative ideas are absolutely everywhere, and they are available to absolutely everyone. When we feel like we are running out of ideas, the problem is usually one of perspective. We simply need to look at the world in a different way to see the richness and abundance that is always there.Imagine that everything you see is a work of art waiting to be revealed, an opportunity for artistic expression. What would you change about a bland billboard advertisement to make it more interesting? What!Fresh-Eyes/c1zo4/577bce3c0cf25c6b0c148ecb

Creating with Purpose

Vincent Van Gogh never sold a single painting.Emily Dickinson’s poems weren’t discovered until after her death.Though there is sadness in these facts, there is beauty, too. They were motivated by something other than fame and fortune. Their art, now recognized as some of the best ever created, came from within and continued to come even in the absence of external validation. Their art was an extension of their souls.Everyone desiring to live a creative life needs a reason. Some reasons are more!Creating-with-Purpose/c1zo4/5776dd6b0cf231749dcceb16

Introduce a Plot Twist

Imagine that your life is one of those movies with a predictable plot and a predictable ending. Pretty boring, huh? Now, introduce a plot twist. Suddenly the movie becomes something entirely different — exciting, interesting, surprising.You are playing a starring role in your life. There may not be Oscars or red carpet receptions, but you do have a say in how the movie of your life plays out. You can keep doing the same things you’ve always done, and keep getting the same results you’ve been!Introduce-a-Plot-Twist/c1zo4/57759c130cf2f8d6d1113f39

Creative Collaboration

Most of us are familiar with famous artistic duos like Rodgers & Hammerstein, Lerner and Loewe, Simon and Garfunkel, Milli and Vanilli. But how and when does it make sense to collaborate on an artistic project? After all, bands break up and duos have disagreements. Finding the right partner can be challenging, and maintaining your own artistic vision while working closely with another artist can be quite constraining.Let’s look at the extremes when it comes to collaboration. First there’s the!Creative-Collaboration/c1zo4/5772dac30cf2e26a99857c46

It’s Personal

Artists create for many different reasons — as a hobby, for catharsis, to connect with others, for money, or all of the above. I don’t always understand the reasons I feel compelled to create, I just know that I feel less alive when I keep my yearnings inside. It can be hard to justify my actions to skeptical onlookers; sometimes it’s even hard to justify them to myself. It’s not as simple as saying, “I’m going to earn a college degree so I can improve myself and make a better living.” Most!Its-Personal/c1zo4/5769a7230cf258cfddd6bd25

Why I Write

One of the things I love about being a writer is that it doesn’t require a college degree (although you can get one if you want) or a specialized certification. Frankly it doesn’t even require talent, although if you want people to read and enjoy your writing then talent is a definite plus. The bottom line is that to be a writer, all you need to do is write.I write because I want to write.I write because I can’t not write.I write because it helps me grow.I write because it makes me feel alive.I!Why-I-Write/c1zo4/576225ad0cf2d021c3fec3f4

Finding Your Creative Sweet Spot

Several months ago I found myself in a day job that wasn’t very fulfilling, but it was close to home and flexible enough that I was able to pursue my creative projects. As I thought about what I wanted, though, I realized that my situation needed to change. I loved my evenings but hated my days. I loved my weekends but hated my weeks. My biggest hesitation was that if I changed jobs, I might not have time for the creative pursuits that are so important to me. But I decided to take the leap!Finding-Your-Creative-Sweet-Spot/c1zo4/5760d3110cf29542aa2897e8

“It’s Complicated”

Art is beautiful. Creativity is divine. When we’re stuck, lost or confused the problem is always with us, not art.My relationship with creativity has been complicated at times. There was the honeymoon phase (childhood), the years of silence when I denied my creative self, the joy of rediscovery, and the struggles of disillusionment.What is your relationship with creativity? Is it bringing you fulfillment? Or are you frustrated, angry and hopeless? Do you even acknowledge your creative!Its-Complicated/c1zo4/57573f210cf245cf71a2af47

Creative Awakening

Something pretty incredible happened to me recently, and I’m excited to share it with you. I had a creative awakening, and it came from a very unexpected source.You see, when I was a child I convinced myself that I had no artistic ability. I used to doodle stick figures and airplanes and helicopters all the time, but eventually I decided art wasn’t for me.Thirty years later, I finally allowed myself to start drawing again. Here’s what happened:1) I started to look at the world in a new way,!Creative-Awakening/c1zo4/574e59a90cf209161af63cd7